Fort Hancock Sandy Hook Stock Images

109 images Created 5 May 2009

Fort Hancock is a former United States Army fort at Sandy Hook, located in Middletown Township in Monmouth County, along the Atlantic coast of eastern New Jersey in the United States. This coastal artillery base played an important part in the defense of New York Harbor and played a role in the history of New Jersey. Between 1874 and 1919, Fort Hancock was operated in conjunction with the Army's Sandy Hook Proving Ground.

One of 14" disappearing guns
In 1893, Fort Hancock installed Battery Potter, the nation's first disappearing gun battery.[3] It also was important for the defense of the vital New York Harbor throughout World War II, preventing the entrance of German submarines into the harbor. In the late 1950s Project Nike antiaircaft missiles were based there. Fort Hancock was decommissioned in 1974.
The fort and its small museum are managed as part of the Sandy Hook Unit of Gateway National Recreation Area, and is part of National Parks of New York Harbor unit of the National Park System.
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